Features Only Available in GMT...
The original gamemode was developed by Aska and Fluxmage. The GMT version was completely rewritten from scratch with some code pieces from the original. All content is credted towards the original developers, excluding the music. The music is credited towards the creators of Mother 3. And of course, all maps are credited to their authors on the map page.Some of the biggest visual changes to the gamemode are listed below. Other changes are in the code. If you really want to know every single change in the code, contact MacDGuy. He'll be happy to tell you how much was changed (here's a hint: a lot).
Mr. Saturn Has Appeared!
A unique gameplay balancer only available in the GMT version of Ultimate Chimera. During each round, somewhere at a randomly chosen time - Mr. Saturn will enter the playing field. Though, Mr. Saturn is unaware of what is going on. Considering he's not really part of the Chimera Lab - who wouldn't be. As a Pigmask, use that confusion to your advantage. Pickup Mr. Saturn and chuck him towards the Ultimate Chimera. One hit by Mr. Saturn will turn off the Utlimate Chimera. Don't worry though, if you're the Ultimate Chimera - you can scare off Mr. Saturn. He'll float away on his little balloon.You can find Mr. Saturn while you are a Pigmask by using the HUD icon of Mr. Saturn. To pick him up, simply press use. And to throw him at the Ultimate Chimera - simply left click.