How much GMC can you earn?
Let's not forget that one of the many reasons to play gamemodes (other than having fun) is to earn GMC. GMC is used to spend on Lobby items and upgrades. It's a reward for playing our games - how nice of us!So, how exactly much GMC can you earn while playing this gamemode?
It's pretty hard to calculate all of this as it varies greatly each round - but no matter what you are guaranteed around 20 GMC each round you play.
If you're on the Pigmask team and you've won the round - you get 20 extra GMC.If you lose the round as a Pigmask, you don't get GMC for playing the round.
If your team wins while you're a ghost, you get half of the bonus.
The higher Pigmask rank you are, the more GMC you get for it - even if you didn't win.
If you are the Chimera and defeat the Pigmask, you'll get a bonus based on the amount of players on the Pigmask team.You also get a bonus for killing any high ranked Pigmasks that round.